Thursday, July 29, 2010



Season 1 info: Eva is a really strong person she also has a temper problem. She was voted off 2nd in TDI. She returned in " No Pain No Game." But was elimanted in the same episode. Eva was in the Killer Bass in TDI .
Seasin 2 info: Eva does not qualify for season 2 but she is in the aftermath.
Season 3 info: Eva does not qualify for this season ether, but she is in the aftermath.
Season 4 info: unkown
Realtionships: None
Fear: None


Season 1 info: Ezekiel was elimanted first in TDI. He was in the Killer Bass. Later on in the season, he started to like bling alot.
Season2 info: Ezekiel does not quality for TDA but he is in the aftermath.
Season 3 info: Ezekeiel compets for Season 3 but gets elimanted 2nd. Well he was elimanted first * not really but Chris said it was* but then he was brought back in the same episode. There is a possibility that Ezekiel might come in Season 3, because he was cameo in "Super Happy Fun Time in Japan" another in " Anthing Yukon Do I Can do better" and bunch in the clips in TDWT Aftermath 1.
Season 4: Unkown
Realtionships: None
Fear: Eva * another contestant*